May 21, 2012


The rule of the three Rs, also known as the three R's of ecology or just 3R, is a proposal on consumer habits, popularized by the environmental organization Greenpeace, which aims to develop responsible habits and general responsible consumption. This concept refers to strategies for waste management looking to become more sustainable with the environment and specifically give priority to reducing the volume of waste generated. During the G8 Summit in June 2004, Prime Minister of Japan, Junichiro Koizumi, presented the three Rs Initiative seeks to build a recycling-oriented society.  In April 2005, held a meeting of ministers in which was discussed with the U.S., Germany, France and 20 other countries how they can be implemented on an international actions related to the three Rs.

Recycling is important because the earth is cleaner

Reusing is important because it reduces trash.

Reducing is important because it clean the earth of trash.

Rubén and Mateo

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